

What is Content Curation?

 What is Curation?

Curation is different from creation. Curation is the concept of creating content that includes; videos, articles, books and even music, however, you do not necessarily have to create something entirely unique, however you must bring the best of what someone has created before, you pick it, present it to your readers either in music form or video format. This process of picking and presenting is known as digital curation.

The question is where did Curation Come From?

This might be a surprise but, curation is not a new technology, really you ask? Going back to history, curators were and are still associated with museums and art galleries. The work for a curator is to pick out what needs to be displayed.

Other forms of curators include radio stations, yes take a minute and think how these stations handpick what genre of music will be played, the specific music and in what order will the music be played in.

If you now proceed and try searching for content curation in any search engine, you'll get the picture as you will see how marketers have jumped on this wagon and are marketing content. Marketers are the first people who took this trend into service.

Yes, But Why Curation Service?

Well, the truth is, it's simple; with the huge and fast growth of technology, internet marketing is a field that needs a huge amount of content. Corporate blogs, social media marketing and personal blogs owned by marketers all of them have one thing in common, telling something to their readers.

Content curation has made it easy to make mashups of content that was in existence before than to find time to come up with your own original content.

In all honesty, a huge number of people have been carrying out content curation for a-long time now. As a matter of fact, everyone who is on social media especially Facebook or Twitter has shared interesting links that are worth reading because of the mashup of content creation.

However, once content curation has appeared, "on official basis". Everybody rushes to share links and make Top ten reviews with a renewed force.

The Other Side of Content Curation

Another side of content curation is an upcoming trend known as personal content curation. Under this trend, content curation meets another trend, automatization and also analysis of the social graph. Many start-ups across the world create systems that are geared towards providing personalized information as well as news.

However, a majority of these start-ups require some manual customization, good thing is, and their algorithms are improved quite fast. We should all have the hope that there will come a day where overall information overload goes into the past.

Simply Curation Cloud will turn you into a CONTENT MASTER, even as a total beginner.

Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Jane_Smorodnikova/1538071

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